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OmG OmG I wan one of this!!

Wah Lau Eh, Nows Day a, Anything You can Think Of Also Will Happen, I once Foreseen Something Like This and we usually just See it in Movie Wor, NOW is A Dream COme True. This is a video of a Hatsune Miku concert in Japan. Only thing is, Hatsune Miku isn't a real person. Or even a robot like you'd expect from Japan. Nope, she's a 3-D hologram.!! Here is Some Video!

HOW COOL IS THAT HUH ? Baby. I wan One Like This But In Your Image la..keke
Anda baru saja membaca artikel yang berkategori dengan judul OmG OmG I wan one of this!!. Jika kamu suka, like dan bagikan keteman-temanmu. Terima kasih! by : i ATE pac MAN
Ditulis oleh: Danial - Saturday, November 13, 2010

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